The Witcher as an Ironsworn Character

Do you want to roleplay as the Witcher as depicted in the original Andrzej Sapkowski novels and stories, or as seen in the video game and Netflix adaptations? The most straightforward option is The Witcher roleplaying game from R. Talsorian Games. You can start with Witcher Easy Mode, which is a free download.
But if you want to use Ironsworn to explore the Witcher-universe or play the role of a similar monster-hunting character, let's take a look at some character assets that fit the archetype. The reluctant hero bouncing from one monster-hunting misadventure to the next, getting caught up in kingdom-shaking schemes, is a perfect fit for Ironsworn!
This is based on my admittedly limited knowledge of The Witcher, mostly drawing from my long-ago reading of the short stories and season one of the Netflix series. So please forgive any lore violations.
Note: this is not a timely topic, especially considering how quickly the Netflix Witcher series fell out of the pop culture zeitgeist after season one. However, this article is repurposed and expanded from a 2019 Twitter thread. Since I am no longer using Twitter, I am moving some longform posts here for posterity.
The Assets
An in-his-prime Geralt might have the full array of assets shown below, but you can emulate a novice Witcher with fewer. Choose three to start.
"Monsters are born of deeds done. Unforgivable ones."
The defining characteristic of the White Wolf is his role as an underappreciated monster hunter.

Fortune Hunter
“Toss a coin to your Witcher.”
Because you can't get that damn song out of your head, you know the Witcher doesn't hunt monsters out of the goodness of his heart.

"I've heard tales of your kind, witcher. You are a mutant. Created by magic."
Geralt is a mutant, forever altered as a child by mutagenic concoctions. In the Netflix series, Geralt also drinks pseudo-magical potions to give himself an edge against monstrous creatures. The video game makes these elixirs a crucial part of gameplay.

“There is no conjuring something from nothing. There is a give and a take.”
In the Netflix series and books, Geralt's use of spells is fairly low-key. INVOKE offers a flexible means of creating minor magical effects and wards. I'd suggest this asset instead of individual rituals to emulate his signs.
There's an interesting bit of synergy here with the third ability of the SLAYER asset, which allows you to boost a ritual using a trophy of a slain monster. I don't think this aspect is represented in Witcher lore, but it's fun nonetheless. A minor hack would be to instead pair that ability with the ALCHEMY asset, which would represent using a trophy as a crafting component for potions.
"I believe In the sword."
Geralt's prowess with blades is legendary.

"I could be your barker, spreading the tales of Geralt of Rivia, the Butcher of Blaviken."
Need a bit of an edge at court? Take Jaskier as a KINDRED companion to warm up the crowd. He knows at least two songs.

Finally, Geralt likes to brood alone in the corner of the local pub, and other folk view him as a strange and dangerous outsider.
Other Assets to Consider
What about Roach, you ask? In the books Geralt is pretty pragmatic about his horse, and there's apparently a string of (often short-lived) Roach's. So, I'd probably keep the horse as a non-asset character. However, if your Witcher shows more loyalty to their steeds, the RIDER asset and a HORSE companion are great choices.
Perhaps your monster-hunter eschews the typical weapons of a Witcher, fighting instead with axes (SUNDERER) or spears (SKIRMISHER).
BATTLE-SCARRED, REVENANT, and SPIRIT-BOUND are perfect assets to pick up as you face and overcome dire events in your adventures.
In short, most of the Ironsworn assets are a great fit for the gritty, perilous world of the WITCHER. It's hard to go wrong!
The Witcher ... In SPAAAAACE!
What about a spacefaring Witcher in Ironsworn: Starforged? If your version of the Forge is flavored with supernatural or gothic trappings, a Witcher-like monster hunter fits right in! Climb about your starship (named Roach, of course), and set a course for the nearest monster-ravaged settlement.
Assets to consider: BLADEMASTER, BOUNTY HUNTER, OUTCAST, SLAYER, and VESTIGE. Supernatural abilities might include FIREBRAND and KINETIC. Bring along a bard as a SIDEKICK.
Wherever your monster-hunting adventures take you, good luck!
Photo credits: Netflix