Tomkin Press


I am Shawn Tomkin, the person behind Tomkin Press. I created and published the ENNIE-winning Ironsworn tabletop roleplaying game in 2018, followed by Ironsworn: Delve in 2020, and Ironsworn: Starforged in 2022. My latest release is Sundered Isles, an expansion of seafaring adventure for Starforged.

The Ironsworn family of games offer player-driven experiences, expansive worlds to explore, and epic storytelling. They support solo, co-op, and guided play, and are widely recognized as a progenitor — alongside groundbreaking games such as the Mythic Game Master Emulator by Tana Pigeon — of the growing popularity of solo tabletop RPGs. Whether you are embarking on an adventure alone or alongside other players, these games are built to spark your creative fire. I hope you enjoy them!

I have also contributed as a game designer and writer on projects for other publishers, including:
  • The One Ring™ Strider™ Mode (Free League Publishing; 2022)
  • Dragonbane Core Set (Free League Publishing; 2023)
  • The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying – Moria Shadow of Khazad-dûm™ (Free League Publishing; 2024)
  • The One Ring™ - Moria™ Through the Doors of Durin (Free League Publishing; 2024)
  • Coriolis: The Great Dark  (Free League Publishing; forthcoming)
  • Alien RPG - Evolved Edition (Free League Publishing; forthcoming)
  • Cosmere® Roleplaying Game (Brotherwise Games; forthcoming)

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